The Alamo

San Antonio, TX

The Alamo

Client: City of San Antonio
Location: San Antonio, TX
Year: 2012 (initial study) - present (construction)
Lead firm: Project for Public Spaces

Phil Myrick and PPS worked with a steering committee of city agencies, historians, property owners, and hotel managers, among others, to guide a culturally charged public input process that helped define a shared vision for the future of the Alamo. This consequential study led to a citizens’ committee and a cooperative agreement with the General Land Office and Alamo Trust to expand and improve the site, ultimately leading to an intricate Master Plan.

This resulting Master Plan will transform the Alamo into the world-class destination it was always meant to be. In 2023 the TX State Legislature approved $400 million for the project, which includes construction of an Alamo Education Center, set to open in 2025. Other elements of the Master Plan include:

  • Restoration of the church and long barracks
  • Delineation of the historic footprint, which has long been illegible
  • Restoration of the historic mission plaza, involving closure to traffic
  • Restoration of the South Gate and other elements of the original structure
  • Conversion of three state-owned buildings to a modern, four-story museum
  • Closure of tourist retail fronting the plaza

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